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The most difficult thing about working in the big tech is managers

Aug 06, 2023 -
The author expresses a deep dissatisfaction with the role of managers in the corporate world, arguing that they contribute significantly to mental health issues, stress, and unhappiness among employees. The author criticizes managers for taking credit for their subordinates' work, managing people out in harmful ways, and contributing little to the technical domain. They also challenge the idea that managers are necessary for productivity, suggesting that this belief is as outdated as views on monarchy and nobility from centuries ago.

The author hopes for a future where the corporate hierarchy and the role of managers are viewed as archaic and unjust, much like how we view feudalism today. They believe that advances in technology and AI may eventually provide alternatives to the traditional manager role, leading to a more equitable and less stressful work environment.

Key takeaways:

  • The author believes that the stress and mental health issues faced by many in the working class are largely due to their managers.
  • Managers are criticized for taking credit for their team's work, managing people out in harmful ways, and contributing little in the technical domain.
  • The author challenges the notion that hierarchy and managers are necessary evils, comparing it to outdated systems like monarchy and nobility.
  • There is hope that advancing technology and AI could lead to an alternative system that does not rely on the traditional manager class, leading to a more just and less cruel system for future generations.
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