OpenAI faces multiple lawsuits from creators and media outlets, including The New York Times, over alleged illegal use of their content. While the company has introduced some measures, like opt-out options and stopping web crawlers, these efforts are criticized as insufficient. Media Manager was supposed to be a comprehensive solution, promising advanced technology to safeguard creators' content, but its current status is unclear, leaving creators frustrated and without a robust mechanism to protect their work.
Key takeaways:
- OpenAI's Media Manager tool, announced in May 2024 to protect creators' rights, has not been released or updated on, raising questions about its status.
- Critics suggest the tool was a strategic move by OpenAI to address legal challenges related to using creators' content without consent.
- OpenAI has faced lawsuits from various creators and media outlets for allegedly using their material illegally for AI training.
- While OpenAI has introduced some measures like opt-out options and stopping web crawlers, many creators find these insufficient for protecting their work.