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The Rabbit r1 shipped half-baked, but that's kind of the point | TechCrunch

May 05, 2024 -
The author discusses his experience with the rabbit r1, a device designed to offload common tasks and services to a simpler, less distraction-inducing device. Despite its current limitations, such as a lack of app integrations and being shipped in a barebones state, the author appreciates the device's potential and the company's ambition to build an all-purpose AI assistant. He acknowledges that the device may not be worth the $200 price tag for everyone, but sees value in its potential future capabilities and the idea of a more focused device.

The author also expresses his fondness for the device's uniqueness and the potential for it to shake up the tech industry, much like smartphones did in 2007. He appreciates that the r1 is both futuristic and limited, and believes that the tech industry should embrace fun and weird innovations. He also anticipates that the homebrew and hacking community will find creative uses for the device. Despite its current shortcomings, the author supports the r1 and looks forward to its future development.

Key takeaways:

  • The rabbit r1 is a new device that aims to offload common tasks and services to a simpler, less distraction-inducing device, but currently lacks enough app integrations.
  • The device is still in its early stages and has been shipped with a minimum viable product, with the promise of adding more features later.
  • The author believes that despite its limitations, the rabbit r1 represents a fun and interesting step towards a possible future of technology, away from the monotony of smartphones.
  • Rabbit's approach of releasing a product that is both futuristic and limited is seen as a positive move, with the expectation that the homebrew and hacking community will further enhance its capabilities.
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