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The real research behind the wild rumors about OpenAI’s Q* project

Dec 08, 2023 -
OpenAI's Q* project has reportedly made a technical breakthrough in artificial intelligence, enabling it to solve unseen math problems. The Information and Reuters have linked this development to the firing and rehiring of OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, but no concrete connection has been established. The Q* model is described as being capable of solving basic math problems, a task previously challenging for AI models.

The article also discusses the concept of "chain-of-thought" reasoning, a technique that allows large language models (LLMs) to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable steps. This method, which was highlighted in a paper by Google researchers, enables LLMs to use their own output as a "scratch space" for storing intermediate results, thereby improving their problem-solving capabilities.

Key takeaways:

  • OpenAI's project Q* is a new model that is reportedly able to solve math problems it hasn't seen before, which is linked to the firing and rehiring of CEO Sam Altman.
  • Despite rumors, there is no concrete evidence linking Altman's firing to concerns over Q* and its potential threat to humanity.
  • OpenAI has published two papers about its efforts to solve grade-school math problems, and other researchers, including those at Google's DeepMind, have been working in this area as well.
  • Large language models can produce better results if they are prompted to reason one step at a time, a technique called chain-of-thought prompting, which allows the model to use its own output as a 'scratch space' for intermediate results.
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