The company has identified more than 200,000 counterfeits since its inception in 2011, using a combination of human authenticators and artificial-intelligence technology. The RealReal's Vision AI is used on 50% of the handbags uploaded to the website. Looking ahead, the company plans to use AI to create a personalized shopping experience, with the end goal of getting the right products and offers in front of the right people.
Key takeaways:
- The RealReal, an online marketplace for luxury secondhand goods, uses AI to write clothing descriptions and detect fake luxury items.
- The company's AI solutions were developed internally by software engineers and work alongside preexisting teams of copywriters and authenticators.
- The RealReal has identified more than 200,000 counterfeits since its inception in 2011, using a combination of human authenticators and artificial-intelligence technology.
- Looking ahead, the company sees potential in AI to create a personalized shopping experience, with the end goal of getting the right products and offers in front of the right people.