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The Rise Of Generative CRM Systems In The AI Age

Oct 06, 2023 -
The article discusses the shift in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) towards a more proactive approach known as generative CRM. This new approach focuses on designing the customer, predicting their future behaviors and preferences, and creating products and services that are not just needed but craved. Generative CRM uses advanced AI and machine learning to make complex, data-informed predictions and is particularly beneficial for startups looking to integrate advanced CRM from the start.

The article also provides steps and considerations for businesses looking to adopt generative CRM, including understanding the basics, assessing infrastructure, training and upskilling, managing data, and being aware of potential pitfalls such as over-reliance on data. The author concludes by stating that generative CRM is more than a technological milestone, it's an ideological shift that enables businesses to design the future, one customer at a time.

Key takeaways:

  • Generative CRM is a new approach that focuses on customer design, predicting future behaviors and preferences to create products and services that are not just needed but actively craved.
  • Generative CRM uses advanced AI and machine learning to make complex, data-informed predictions, providing a counterintuitive edge for businesses.
  • For startups, generative CRM presents untapped opportunities, allowing them to integrate advanced CRM right from the start.
  • Adopting generative CRM involves understanding the basics, assessing infrastructure, training and upskilling teams, managing data accurately and fairly, and being aware of potential pitfalls such as over-reliance on data.
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