However, Google's lawyers might be right about the diminishing returns of its size, but not in the intended way. The company's success has led to stagnation, with ex-Googlers claiming that it has become "conservative," "arrogant," and lacking a mission. Its products, especially Search, have grown bloated with advertisements and prioritize its own services over organic results. Despite constant updates to its algorithms, there is a growing sense that the site is no longer as useful or intuitive as it once was. The company's struggle to deliver high-quality search results may continue as the internet becomes flooded with AI-generated content.
Key takeaways:
- Google Search, once a streamlined and efficient tool, has become bloated and overmonetized, making it harder to find authoritative answers.
- Google is currently on trial for violating antitrust laws by allegedly protecting its monopoly position in the online-search business.
- Despite Google's argument that there are diminishing returns to scale, the company's success is largely due to its ability to index vast amounts of information and process billions of queries a day.
- Google's continuous growth and expansion into various sectors, driven by the pressure to appease investors, has led to a decline in the quality of its search results and overall product.