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The UN creates a 39-member body, including tech executives, government officials, and academics, to examine issues in the international governance of AI

Oct 27, 2023 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from October 27, 2023, which provides a snapshot of the site at 6:40 AM ET. The page includes top news from various sources like TechRadar, FinTech Futures, Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg, among others. It also features tweets from various tech personalities and experts, including @quinnypig, @theo_wayt, @amazonnews, and @stockmarketnerd.

The news covers a wide range of topics, from financial technology to gaming and artificial intelligence. Some of the notable sources include Reuters, Axios, CoinDesk, The Verge, and The New York Times. The page also includes sponsor posts, hiring updates in tech, and upcoming tech events. The most current version of the site is available on the home page, and users can view earlier snapshots by modifying the date indicated.

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