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The Washington Post's AI bot answers your questions now - no subscription required

Nov 11, 2024 -
The Washington Post has launched an experimental generative AI tool called "Ask The Post AI" that provides conversational answers on any topic referenced in its news articles published since 2016. The tool, described as an initiative "built by news for news," displays results in order of relevant reporting and uses a large language model to generate responses. The Post has minimized the risk of AI hallucinations by training the tool exclusively on its own articles, but encourages users to cross-reference answers with the linked articles.

The tool is accessible to all users, regardless of whether they have a subscription to The Washington Post. However, users without a subscription cannot click on and read the articles linked in the responses, making it more difficult to verify the answers. The tool is part of the publication's efforts to meet changing search experiences and provide an updated user experience, according to Vineet Khosla, CTO for The Washington Post.

Key takeaways:

  • The Washington Post has launched a generative AI tool called "Ask The Post AI" that provides conversational answers on any topic referenced in its news articles since 2016.
  • The tool is designed to optimize users' content consumption and is described as an initiative "built by news for news."
  • The AI has been trained exclusively on The Washington Post's own articles to minimize the risk of generating incorrect information, but users are encouraged to cross-reference answers with the linked articles.
  • The tool is accessible regardless of whether a user is signed into a subscription, but reading the full articles for cross-referencing requires a subscription.
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