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The 'Year Of AI’ Will Change How We Work

Mar 18, 2024 -
The article discusses three ways in which AI technology could transform the workplace. Firstly, AI can break down silos and democratize innovation by scanning and digesting large amounts of data, providing a comprehensive view of a company’s operations. This allows employees to access expertise and insights from different areas of the business and make data-driven decisions. AI is also enhancing no-code and low-code development software, enabling employees to create solutions without coding and customers to co-create tools with company designers and engineers.

Secondly, AI can change the way we learn. Generative AI can sift through vast amounts of content, provide summaries and synthesize findings on complex topics. It can also adapt the output to suit different learning styles and translate text into multiple languages. AI chatbots can provide tailored suggestions and answer basic questions without judgement. Lastly, AI can encourage new ideas by acting as a brainstorming assistant and making the writing process more efficient. However, the author cautions that the outputs of generative AI must be checked for accuracy as these tools do not understand what they are saying.

Key takeaways:

  • AI technology can break silos and democratize innovation in large corporations by providing a comprehensive view of the company’s operations and facilitating no-code and low-code development.
  • Generative AI can change the way we learn by sifting through vast amounts of content, providing summaries, and synthesizing findings on complex topics. It can also tailor the output to suit different learning styles and languages.
  • AI chatbots can encourage new ideas and make the writing process more efficient by developing first drafts or editing our own writing. They can also be used for brainstorming and for providing tailored suggestions.
  • While AI is growing steadily, it still has some ways to go before it achieves levels of general human intelligence. However, its growth could potentially transform the way we work forever.
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