"ThinksmarterwithAI" is a collection of AI models designed to enhance thinking, logic, and decision-making. The collection includes the Model Explorer, which provides different perspectives on situations, the Response Forecaster, which suggests potential responses, and the Primal Psychologist, which helps understand behavior from an evolutionary perspective. Other models include the Skeptical Auditor, which promotes critical thinking, the Strategic Simplifier, which breaks down complex situations, and the Clarity Enhancer, which ensures clear communication. The Bias Detector is also part of the collection, alerting users to potential biases in their thought patterns.
In 2024, Tonki Labs plans to release 12 unique open AI projects, with one new project each month. They offer a subscription service for those interested in being notified about these projects. The team assures there are no hidden tricks, SPAM, or any other non-sense involved in their service.
Key takeaways:
ThinksmarterwithAI is a collection of GPTs designed to enhance thinking, logic, and decision-making.
It offers various tools like Model Explorer, Response Forecaster, Primal Psychologist, Skeptical Auditor, Strategic Simplifier, Clarity Enhancer, and Bias Detector.
These tools help in understanding behavior, forecasting responses, simplifying complex situations, enhancing clarity in communication, and detecting biases.
Tonki Labs plans to release 12 unique open AI projects in 2024 and invites subscriptions for notifications.