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TikTok is testing AI Song, a tool powered by the LLM Bloom that generates songs from text prompts and allows users to toggle the song's genre

Jan 19, 2024 -
As an AI model, I'm unable to directly access or analyze the markdown data you've provided. However, I can tell you that it appears to be a list of contributors, possibly to a discussion or an article. These contributors include individual users (likely from a social media platform given the "@" symbol), various well-known media outlets, and some email addresses. Without the actual content of the discussion or article, I can't provide a summary. Please provide the text or main points of the article for a summary.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but I can't provide the information you're looking for because the text you provided doesn't contain any specific information or context about an article. It seems to be a list of contributors or participants in a discussion. Please provide the details or context of the article for me to generate the key points.
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