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Tip Calculator

Dec 11, 2024 -
The article discusses the practice of tipping, which is a gesture of appreciation given by customers to service providers, commonly seen in industries like hospitality, food service, and personal care. While tipping is not mandatory, it is often expected in certain cultures, particularly in the United States, where it constitutes a significant portion of income for many service workers. In the U.S., it is customary to tip around 15-20% of the total bill in restaurants, and tipping practices can vary widely depending on the country and industry. The article highlights that in some countries, such as Japan, tipping is uncommon and may be seen as disrespectful, whereas in North America, tipping is widely practiced with specific guidelines for different services.

The article also provides a chart detailing common tipping amounts or percentages for various services, such as restaurants, hotel staff, taxi drivers, and personal care services. It notes that tipping originated in 17th-century England and that cultural differences can influence tipping practices, with some countries viewing it as unnecessary or even rude. Additionally, it mentions that certain behaviors, like smiling or writing a "thank you" note, can increase the likelihood and amount of a tip.

Key takeaways:

  • Tipping is a common practice in many service industries, particularly in the United States, where it often constitutes a significant portion of service workers' income.
  • Tipping practices vary globally, with some countries like Japan viewing it as unnecessary or even disrespectful, while it is widely practiced in North America.
  • The origins of tipping date back to 17th-century England, where it was used to ensure prompt service.
  • Certain actions, such as smiling or writing a "thank you" note, can increase the likelihood and amount of a tip.
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