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Token Counter - Text to Token Conversion for AI Models

Jun 05, 2024 -
The article introduces Token Counter, a tool that converts user text input into tokens, which is how many AI models charge for processing information. The tool also calculates the cost associated with the token count, helping users estimate the expenses of using AI models. The token count varies across different models due to unique tokenization strategies, which handle whitespace, punctuation, and special characters differently.

The article also explains the cost of token usage, which is divided into input and output costs. Input cost is the price of processing the tokens sent to the model, while output cost is the price of generating tokens in response. The cost varies across different models, with the GPT-4 (turbo) model, for example, charging $10.00 for processing one million input tokens and $30.00 for generating one million output tokens.

Key takeaways:

  • Token Counter is a tool that converts user text into tokens, calculates the token count, and estimates the cost of using AI models based on the token count.
  • Different AI models have different token counts due to their unique tokenization strategies, which handle whitespace, punctuation, and special characters differently.
  • The cost of token usage is divided into input and output categories, with input cost referring to the price of processing the tokens sent to the model, and output cost referring to the price of generating the tokens in response.
  • Examples of costs include the GPT-4 (turbo) model charging $10.00 for processing one million input tokens and $30.00 for generating one million output tokens.
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