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Too many models | TechCrunch

Apr 19, 2024 -
The article discusses the rapid proliferation of AI models, with the author noting that keeping up with all of them is becoming increasingly difficult. The author compares the current state of AI to the evolution of cars, arguing that while there are hundreds of models released each year, most people only need to be aware of a few that are relevant to their needs. The article suggests that while each new AI model might be important to someone, it is unlikely to be of significance to the average person.

The author also argues that none of the new models will likely represent a significant leap forward in the way that OpenAI's ChatGPT did, as that was based on a fundamental change in machine learning architecture. Instead, the author anticipates incremental improvements and states that the truly significant models will be obvious to everyone, not just those in the tech industry.

Key takeaways:

  • The AI industry is currently experiencing a proliferation of models, with as many as 10 new models being released in a week, making it difficult to compare and evaluate them.
  • These models range from large language models to 'embedding models' and are developed by both niche developers and large, well-funded entities.
  • Despite the rapid release of new models, the article suggests that most people, including AI specialists, do not need to keep up with every new model as many are not relevant to their specific needs or use cases.
  • The article argues that while none of the new models are likely to be a significant leap forward in the way that OpenAI's ChatGPT was, they are still important for incremental improvements and addressing specific shortcomings in AI technology.
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