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Tool-Integrated Reasoning: A New Approach for Math-Savvy LLMs

Oct 02, 2023 -
Researchers from Tsinghua University and Microsoft have made significant strides in improving the mathematical reasoning skills of large language models. Their key innovation is the integration of external mathematical tools, like computational libraries and symbolic equation solvers, into the models' reasoning process. This approach, termed "Tool-Integrated Reasoning", combines the high-level reasoning and planning capabilities of language models with the precision and computational power of mathematical tools. The researchers used GPT-3 to generate a dataset demonstrating tool-integrated reasoning on math problems, and trained versions of the open-source Anthropic LLaMA model using imitation learning, resulting in a series of Tool-Integrated Open-source Reasoning Agents (TORA).

The TORA models were systematically evaluated on 10 diverse mathematical reasoning datasets and showed substantial gains across model sizes and tasks. TORA models achieved 13-19% higher accuracy on average compared to the best existing open-source models. On a challenging competition-level math test, TORA-7B scored 40% accuracy, beating the previous best model by 22 percentage points absolute. TORA-34B attained 51% accuracy on MATH, surpassing GPT-4's performance of 43% on the same problems. Despite these improvements, the researchers identified geometry and advanced algebra as areas where models still struggled, indicating room for further improvement.

Key takeaways:

  • Researchers from Tsinghua University and Microsoft have made progress in improving the mathematical reasoning skills of large language models by integrating external mathematical tools into the models' reasoning process.
  • The researchers created a dataset demonstrating tool-integrated reasoning on math problems and trained models to predict tool usage behavior and natural language rationales demonstrated in the dataset, producing a series of Tool-Integrated Open-source Reasoning Agents (TORA).
  • The TORA models showed significant performance improvements on diverse mathematical reasoning datasets, achieving 13-19% higher accuracy on average compared to existing models and up to 51% accuracy on a challenging math test.
  • Despite the improvements, challenges remain in areas like geometry and advanced algebra, indicating the need for advances in multi-modal reasoning, tighter integration with graphical libraries, and stronger symbolic reasoning capabilities.
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