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Top portfolio manager isn't worried about Nvidia sell-off: 'I don't think it means anything'

Jun 25, 2024 -
Nvidia, a leading chipmaker in the artificial intelligence (AI) market, experienced a $430 billion sell-off over three trading days, but this is seen as a minor setback by Steve Eisman, senior portfolio manager at Neuberger Berman Group. Despite the sell-off, Eisman, who owns a significant number of Nvidia shares, views the company as a long-term investment that will remain relevant for years. The stock rebounded by up to 4.1% on Tuesday following a three-day slide that saw shares drop by over 10% for the first time since April.

Saira Malik, chief investment officer at Nuveen Asset Management LLC, echoed Eisman's sentiments, stating that Nvidia will continue to benefit from the growing demand for AI. She noted that anyone wanting to transition into AI would need to use Nvidia's products. Despite trading at a premium of about 50% to the Nasdaq 100 Index, Malik argued that Nvidia's stock is not expensive when compared to its peers. Both Eisman and Malik believe that the company's strong growth rate and dominance in the AI market justify its current valuation.

Key takeaways:

  • Despite a $430 billion sell-off in Nvidia shares over the past three trading days, Steve Eisman of Neuberger Berman Group remains confident in the company's long-term relevance and continues to hold a significant amount of its shares.
  • Nvidia's stock has risen by 139% this year through Monday's close, despite a recent three-day slide that pushed shares down more than 10% for the first time since April.
  • Saira Malik, Chief Investment Officer at Nuveen Asset Management, also expressed confidence in Nvidia, stating that the company will continue to benefit from the growing demand for AI, and that its price-to-earnings ratio isn't expensive considering its strong growth rate.
  • Despite trading at a premium of about 50% to the Nasdaq 100 Index, Nvidia's 12-month forward price-to-earnings ratio has pulled back from a 2023 high of 63 times down to about 40, bringing it close to the valuations of peers like Advanced Micro Devices.
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