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Toronto-based Arteria AI, which offers tools to manage financial documentation, raised a $30M Series B led by GGV Capital US, taking its total funding to $50M

Oct 26, 2023 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from October 26, 2023, providing a snapshot of the site at 8:30 AM ET. The page includes top news from various sources such as Engadget, TechCrunch, The Verge, and Bloomberg, among others. It also features threads and posts from numerous Twitter users and forums like Hacker News and r/popheads.

The page also includes sections for sponsor posts, tech job listings, and upcoming tech events. It provides links to more news from various sources, earlier picks, and a section from Mediagazer. The page ends with a note about the page being an archive and how to view the most current version or earlier snapshots of the site.

Key takeaways:

I'm sorry, but your request cannot be fulfilled as the provided text does not contain a coherent article or story. It appears to be a collection of references, mentions, and links from a tech news archive page, without any specific narrative or points being made.
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