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Trump and the AI Power Boom Are Putting Utility Climate Goals at Risk

Nov 26, 2024 -
The article discusses how the climate goals of major US utilities are at risk due to the increasing demand for electricity from data centers and the potential policy shifts favoring fossil fuels under Donald Trump's re-election. The unexpected growth in power consumption, coupled with Republican electoral victories, has led some utilities to delay the retirement of coal-burning plants and plan a massive buildout of natural gas generation.

The article also mentions that the AI revolution and increased demand from new factories and the electrification of various sectors have forced power companies to revise their consumption projections. Meanwhile, Trump has vowed to "terminate" federal rules that limit power-plant pollution and encourage the closure of units generating electricity from coal. This has led to a rush among electric companies to meet the suddenly surging power demand, with some reluctant to close dirty plants that can still provide reliable electricity.

Key takeaways:

  • US utilities' climate goals are at risk due to rising electricity demand from data centers and policy shifts favoring fossil fuels under Donald Trump's administration.
  • Some utilities are delaying the retirement of coal-burning plants and planning a massive buildout of natural gas generation.
  • Electricity generation is the second-biggest source of carbon emissions in the US after transportation, and several companies have recently changed their climate goals or made plans that delay progress on those targets.
  • Increased demand from the AI revolution and the electrification of various sectors has forced power companies to revise their projections for consumption.
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