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ts_sms: Short Message Compression using Large Language Models

Dec 28, 2024 -
The article provides an overview of the `ts_sms` tool, which is used for lossless compression and decompression of messages. It includes examples of how to compress and decompress text using the tool, highlighting its ability to reduce bits by eliminating statistical redundancy without losing any information. The article also compares `ts_sms` with Brotli, noting that Brotli uses an embedded dictionary to optimize the compression of small messages, and provides base64 encoded examples for both methods.

Additionally, the article mentions the availability of `ts_sms` for download on Linux and Windows platforms, with links to the respective files. It briefly touches on the technical workings of `ts_sms`, explaining that it operates similarly to `ts_zip` and utilizes a specific padding system compatible with arithmetic coding, which negates the need for explicitly encoding the message length. The article is authored by Fabrice Bellard, with a link to his website provided.

Key takeaways:

  • Lossless compression reduces bits by identifying and eliminating statistical redundancy without losing information.
  • The tool `ts_sms` can compress and decompress messages using a specific padding system compatible with arithmetic coding.
  • Brotli uses an embedded dictionary to optimize the compression of small messages, providing an alternative to `ts_sms`.
  • Downloads are available for both Linux and Windows versions of `ts_sms`.
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