The license for TwGPT allows for single-user use only, with permission to modify and adapt the codes. However, distribution or redistribution of the original, modified, or adapted code is prohibited, and commercial use is not allowed. The extension has received two ratings, both of which are 5 stars.
Key takeaways:
- TwGPT is a browser extension that uses AI to help you respond to tweets quickly and efficiently, potentially growing your Twitter account at 10x speed.
- The extension offers several features including the ability to select tones, personalize prompts, and it is open-source, providing an opportunity to learn about making extensions.
- It requires a one-time payment for lifetime use, but users will need to provide their own OpenAI API key to use the extension.
- The license for this extension allows for single-user use only, permits modifications and adaptations of the codes, but prohibits distribution or redistribution of the original, modified, or adapted code, and commercial use of the work is not allowed.