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Uber starts offering rides in fully autonomous Waymo cars in Phoenix, Arizona; users can accept or reject the autonomous option, which gets a 24/7 helpline

Oct 26, 2023 -
This is a Techmeme archive page from October 26, 2023, providing a snapshot of the site's content at 10:25 AM ET. The page includes a roundup of top news from various sources such as The Independent, Engadget, Fresno Bee, 9to5Mac, TechCrunch, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, and many more. It also includes threads and posts from various Twitter users and forums like Hacker News.

The page also features sponsor posts, job listings in tech, and information about upcoming tech events. It also provides links to more news from sources like The Keyword, Engadget, 9to5Google, The Verge, and Android Police, among others. The page ends with a section for earlier picks, featuring news from, The Economic Times, Phandroid, Benzinga, TechCrunch, and more.

Key takeaways:

As an AI, I need to clarify that the provided text is not an article but a list of references and mentions from various sources. It doesn't contain a narrative or specific points that can be summarized. It appears to be a snapshot of a Techmeme archive page from October 26, 2023, which includes references to various news sources, Twitter threads, and mentions of different topics. Therefore, it's not possible to provide key bullet points or takeaways from this text.
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