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Ujeebu | Web Data Scraping at Scale

May 07, 2024 -
Ujeebu is a company that offers products and APIs for data extraction and web scraping. Their products include Ujeebu Scrape, which can render and scrape data from any web page, and Clean Text Extraction Ujeebu Extract, which can extract key information from articles with a simple API call. The company aims to handle the heavy lifting of data extraction so that clients can focus on their applications.

The company was born out of a multi-year journey of developing scraping projects on a large scale. The team comprises dedicated software engineers with diverse backgrounds, including machine learning, computer vision, software engineering, and API development. With a combined experience of 30 years, they work closely with their customers to help them achieve their goals in a cost-effective way.

Key takeaways:

  • Ujeebu offers products that can render and scrape any page on the web, and extract key information from articles.
  • They provide feature-rich APIs for all data extraction needs, allowing users to focus on their applications.
  • Ujeebu was developed by a small team of Software Engineers with diverse backgrounds and a combined experience of 30 years, 10 of which in the scraping industry.
  • The team works closely with customers to help them achieve their goals in a cost effective way and is open to discussing custom scraping needs.
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