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Ulta’s Guest-Centric Strategy Is the Future of Beauty

Dec 05, 2024 -
The Adweek Podcast Network features an episode of The Speed of Culture podcast where host Matt Britton interviews Michelle Crossan-Matos, Ulta Beauty’s chief marketing officer. They discuss the strategies behind Ulta Beauty's success, including omnichannel innovations, the integration of AI, and The Joy Project. Crossan-Matos shares her vision for the future of beauty and how Ulta Beauty is not just a retailer but a force for empowerment. She encourages upstart brands to approach the retailer, highlighting Ulta Beauty's role as a brand builder.

Key takeaways from the podcast include the importance of transferable skills from tech to beauty, the role of brick-and-mortar stores in the beauty industry, AI-powered personalization, The Joy Project's role in fighting the inner critic, and bravery as a leadership superpower. Crossan-Matos emphasizes the importance of predicting guest needs, creating seamless omnichannel experiences, and fostering a culture of confidence. She also shares her leadership philosophy rooted in bravery, which involves balancing intuition with data-driven decisions while focusing on long-term goals.

Key takeaways:

  • Michelle Crossan-Matos, Ulta Beauty’s chief marketing officer, emphasizes the importance of predicting guest needs and creating seamless omnichannel experiences to adapt to evolving consumer behavior.
  • Despite the rise of e-commerce, Ulta Beauty values in-store experiences and the unique value of tactile experiences in beauty, creating deeper connections with consumers.
  • Ulta Beauty's collaboration with Adobe allows for real-time personalization powered by AI, fostering a sense of one-to-one engagement that strengthens guest loyalty.
  • The Joy Project, one of Ulta Beauty’s campaigns, aims to empower consumers to overcome their inner critics, fostering a culture of confidence and redefining beauty as a source of joy and self-expression.
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