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Unifying intelligence in the age of data apps - SiliconANGLE

Jan 13, 2024 -
The article discusses the future of data management, focusing on the role of semantic layers and the shift from application-centric to data-centric systems. It features insights from Molham Aref, CEO of RelationalAI, who highlights the need for a new technology layer to capture the intelligence locked within application silos. Aref envisions a future where data platforms evolve beyond mere databases to become central platforms for application development. He also discusses the role of large language models (LLMs) and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) in enhancing language models and integrating them with deterministic, symbolic, and data assets.

The article also discusses the shift in value from the database management system (DBMS) to metadata and intelligence that defines business entities. It cites examples of companies like Blue Yonder, which are reimagining their applications on top of RelationalAI and Snowflake, moving from a world that is DBMS-centric to metadata-centric to an intelligent model of the business. Aref underscores the necessity for semantic layers to remain technologically independent, advocating for a coprocessor approach akin to Nvidia’s relationship with CPU manufacturers.

Key takeaways:

  • The future of intelligent data apps will enable organizations to operate a platform that dynamically connects and digitally represents an enterprise’s operations.
  • Data and AI are changing applications and business operations, shifting emphasis from an application-centered world to a data-centric one.
  • Semantic layers are crucial in modern data management, bridging the gap between disparate data sources and application logic.
  • Large language models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs are transforming semantic layers, simplifying complex data ecosystems into a few hundred core concepts.
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