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Urban Machine - Thinking Differently About Wood & Lumber Waste

Nov 18, 2024 -
The article discusses the benefits of using the Urban Machine for reclaimed lumber processing. It highlights that the machine lowers the cost of processing, making reclaimed lumber competitive with virgin lumber. The machine also promotes sustainability by generating large volumes of locally sourced reclaimed materials, reducing landfilling, transportation, and carbon emissions.

Furthermore, the Urban Machine is capable of harvesting high-grade, dimensional lumber from buildings, which is valued for its hardness, straightness, and tight grains. Unlike typical wood waste that is ground up and buried in landfills or sold as a low-quality product, the Urban Machine allows for the return of lumber to the built environment for reuse, thereby preserving the fiber intact.

Key takeaways:

  • The Machine lowers the cost of reclaimed lumber processing, making it competitive with virgin lumber pricing.
  • Urban Machine's robots generate large volumes of locally sourced reclaimed materials, reducing landfilling, transportation, and carbon emissions.
  • Urban Machine captures high-grade, dimensional lumber from buildings, delivering a premium product that’s higher quality than virgin.
  • Urban Machine offers an opportunity to return lumber to the built environment, instead of it being ground up and buried in landfills or sold as a low-quality product.
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