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US Data Center Boom Creates Windfall For Electricians - Slashdot

Dec 26, 2024 -
The construction of data centers in central Washington state is leading to a significant increase in the demand for electricians, driven by the presence of abundant hydropower and tax incentives that have attracted major tech companies. Microsoft, for instance, anticipates needing 2,300 electricians in the coming years for its facilities across three counties along the Columbia River. Union electricians are earning up to $2,800 weekly after taxes, which is transforming agricultural communities like Quincy, where data centers now contribute to 75% of local tax revenue.

While the construction boom has facilitated community improvements, such as the building of a new high school, it also raises concerns about the sustainability of economic benefits for longtime residents. Rising housing costs and limited long-term employment opportunities are significant issues, suggesting that the influx of tech-driven development may not provide lasting economic stability for the local population.

Key takeaways:

  • Data center construction in central Washington is attracting a large number of electricians due to abundant hydropower and tax incentives.
  • Microsoft plans to hire 2,300 electricians for its facilities across three counties along the Columbia River.
  • Union electricians can earn up to $2,800 weekly after taxes, significantly impacting agricultural communities like Quincy.
  • While the construction boom has funded community improvements, concerns about rising housing costs and limited long-term employment opportunities persist.
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