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US Finalizes Rule To Effectively Ban Chinese Vehicles - Slashdot

Jan 15, 2025 -
The Biden administration has finalized a rule that effectively bans Chinese vehicles from the U.S. by blocking the sale or import of connected vehicle software from "countries of concern." This rule targets technologies that connect vehicles to the outside world, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular, and satellite components, due to concerns that they could be exploited by foreign adversaries to gather sensitive data about U.S. citizens and infrastructure. The rule impacts major automakers like Ford and GM, as well as companies like Waymo, and prohibits China from testing self-driving cars in the U.S. The software ban applies to model year 2027 vehicles, while the hardware ban starts with model year 2030 vehicles.

The rule exempts vehicles weighing over 10,000 pounds, allowing companies like BYD to continue assembling electric buses in California. The U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, emphasized the national security risks posed by foreign access to vehicle data, and the White House stated that the rule is part of President Biden's efforts to secure American supply chains and protect national security. The administration's fact sheet highlights the threat posed by foreign adversaries in the supply chains of connected vehicles and the need to protect critical infrastructure.

Key takeaways:

  • The Biden administration finalized a rule to ban Chinese vehicles from the US by blocking connected vehicle software from "countries of concern."
  • The rule affects major automakers like Ford and GM, as well as companies like Waymo, covering technologies like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cameras.
  • The rules for prohibited software apply to model year 2027 vehicles, while the hardware ban from China starts with model year 2030 vehicles.
  • Vehicles over 10,000 pounds are exempt, allowing companies like BYD to continue assembling electric buses in California.
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