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Using ChatGPT for Podcast Suggestions

Mar 17, 2024 -
The article discusses an experiment conducted with ChatGPT to generate podcast recommendations based on the user's current subscriptions. The user provided ChatGPT with an OPML file, a format commonly used to transfer podcast subscriptions between apps. ChatGPT analyzed the file and suggested new podcasts that the user might enjoy based on their current subscriptions.

The user was generally satisfied with the recommendations provided by ChatGPT, despite the AI suggesting a podcast that already existed in the user's OPML file. The experiment demonstrated that ChatGPT could be a useful tool for generating personalized podcast recommendations.

Key takeaways:

  • The author used ChatGPT to generate podcast recommendations based on their current subscriptions, which were provided in an OPML file.
  • ChatGPT is aware of the OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) format, which is an XML-based file format used for creating outlines of information and is commonly used for exchanging lists of web feeds between web feed aggregators or between feed aggregators and podcasting clients.
  • Based on the author's current subscriptions, ChatGPT suggested a variety of podcasts covering a wide range of topics, from science and psychology to storytelling and current events.
  • Despite recommending one podcast that was already in the author's OPML file, the author was pleased with the quality of the recommendations provided by ChatGPT.
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