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Vana plans to let users rent out their Reddit data to train AI | TechCrunch

Apr 13, 2024 -
Vana, a startup co-founded by Anna Kazlauskas and Art Abal, aims to allow users to sell their own data for generative AI model training. The platform enables users to pool their data, including chats, speech recordings, and photos, into datasets that can be used for AI model training. Vana also recently launched the Reddit Data DAO (Digital Autonomous Organization), a program that pools multiple users’ Reddit data and allows them to collectively decide how the combined data is used, potentially licensing it to generative AI companies for a shared profit.

However, the startup has faced criticism from Reddit, which accused Vana of exploiting its data export system. The startup also faces challenges in reaching critical mass and in determining how to fairly distribute payments from data buyers. Despite these hurdles, Vana's efforts represent a growing trend of attempts to assert control over the data used to train generative AI models.

Key takeaways:

  • Vana, a startup co-founded by Anna Kazlauskas and Art Abal, aims to allow users to sell their own data for generative AI model training.
  • The platform allows users to pool their data, including chats, speech recordings and photos, into data sets that can be used for AI model training.
  • Vana has launched the Reddit Data DAO (Digital Autonomous Organization), a program that pools multiple users’ Reddit data and lets them decide together how that combined data is used.
  • Despite concerns and pushback from Reddit, Vana envisions the DAO growing to the point where it impacts the amount Reddit can charge customers for its data.
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