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Vela Partners

Dec 02, 2024 -
Yigit Ihlamur, prior to founding Vela Partners, had an extensive career at Google where he worked on collaboration and communication products with a focus on enhancing human productivity. He was involved in product-led growth, product strategy, and partnerships, working on various products such as Gmail, Google Domains, and Chrome. He started his career at Google's European headquarters in Dublin, providing technical support and developing productivity tools.

Ihlamur holds a master’s degree in computer science specializing in machine learning from the University of Oxford, and an industrial engineering degree with a focus in computer engineering from Koç University. Apart from his professional life, he enjoys spending time with his family and engaging in outdoor sports activities. Currently, he serves as a general partner and the Chief Technology Officer at Vela Partners.

Key takeaways:

  • Yigit Ihlamur, prior to Vela, worked at Google where he focused on collaboration and communication products, product-led growth, product strategy, and partnerships.
  • He started his career at Google's European headquarters in Dublin, working on technical support and building productivity tools.
  • Yigit has a master’s degree in computer science specializing in machine learning from the University of Oxford, and an industrial engineering degree with a focus in computer engineering from Koç University.
  • He is one of the founders of Vela Partners, serving as a general partner and the Chief Technology Officer.
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