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Viam looks beyond robotics with its automation platform | TechCrunch

Mar 26, 2024 -
Viam, a Manhattan-based startup, has shifted its focus from primarily serving robotics firms to a broader range of sectors, including IoT, smart homes, and industrial automation. The company's CEO, Eliot Horowitz, describes the move as a "rebrand" rather than a pivot. The rebranding was prompted by the realization that the company's association with robotics was limiting its appeal to potential clients in other sectors. Despite the company's name being "Viam," its social media platforms are "Viam Robotics," due to the unavailability of the four-letter word.

The company recently raised $45 million in a Series B funding round led by Union Square Ventures and Battery Ventures, bringing its total funding to $87 million. The funds will be used for R&D and to ramp up commercial enterprise deployment. Viam is also planning to expand its 100-person team. However, Horowitz admits that the company still faces challenges in succinctly explaining what Viam's software does, describing it as a platform that bridges the gap between real-world hardware and software, the cloud, and machine learning.

Key takeaways:

  • Viam, a Manhattan-based startup, has broadened its focus from primarily robotics to a wider range of sectors including IoT, smart homes, and industrial automation.
  • The company has rebranded and is working on improving its messaging, as its previous focus on robotics was causing confusion among potential clients from different industries.
  • Viam recently raised a $45 million Series B funding round, led by Union Square Ventures and Battery Ventures, bringing its total funding to $87 million. The funds will be used for R&D and commercial enterprise deployment.
  • CEO Eliot Horowitz describes Viam as a platform that exists at the intersection of real-world hardware, software, the cloud, and machine learning, aiming to improve the interface between software and hardware.
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