The article also mentions the RoboNav project's autonomous driving tests in the Seetaler Alps in Austria, NASA’s Moon rover prototype, and a prototype robot from Hello Robot. It also discusses the KUKA Innovation Award won by Team JARVIS from the Merlin Laboratory of the Italian Politecnico di Milano, a practical course for students at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to learn about Biologically Motivated Robots, and a discussion on the future of robotics by renowned roboticist Ruzena Bajcsy.
Key takeaways:
- The article provides a list of upcoming robotics events for 2023 and 2024, including IROS 2023, CLAWAR 2023, ROSCon 2023, Humanoids 2023, and Cybathlon Challenges 2024.
- Several robotics projects are highlighted, such as a mobile robot using tensegrity structures as wheels, GE Aerospace’s Sensiworm, a stick insect-like walking robot that learns to walk within 20 seconds, and MAKI Pro, a robot designed for enhanced human-robot interaction.
- The article also mentions the RoboNav project, which conducted autonomous driving tests in the Seetaler Alps in Austria, and a NASA Moon rover prototype that completed lunar lander egress tests.
- It also features the winner of the KUKA Innovation Award, Team JARVIS from the Merlin Laboratory of the Italian Politecnico di Milano, and a practical course for students at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to learn about Biologically Motivated Robots.