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Video game performers will go on strike over artificial intelligence concerns

Jul 26, 2024 -
Hollywood video game performers, under the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), have announced a strike following a breakdown in contract negotiations with major game studios. The dispute centers around artificial intelligence (AI) protections, with the union arguing that without safeguards, game companies could use AI to replicate an actor’s voice or likeness without consent or fair compensation. The union also claims that the studios' definition of a "performer" is too narrow, leaving those who do stunt work or creature performances unprotected.

The strike comes after nearly two years of negotiations with gaming giants such as Activision, Warner Bros., and Walt Disney Co. Despite some progress on wages and job safety, the two sides remain divided over the regulation of generative AI. The global video game industry generates over $100 billion annually, and SAG-AFTRA argues that the people who design and bring these games to life are the driving force behind this success. The union has previously taken action over AI concerns, leading to film and television strikes last year.

Key takeaways:

  • Hollywood’s video game performers, under the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), announced a strike after negotiations for a new contract with major game studios broke down over artificial intelligence protections.
  • The strike will begin at 12:01 a.m. Friday and comes after nearly two years of negotiations with gaming giants, including divisions of Activision, Warner Bros. and Walt Disney Co.
  • The main point of contention is the regulation of generative AI, with the union arguing that without proper protections, game companies could use AI to replicate an actor’s voice or likeness without consent or fair compensation.
  • The global video game industry generates well over $100 billion dollars in profit annually, and SAG-AFTRA argues that the people who design and bring those games to life are the driving force behind that success.
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