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Watch: Will AI get dumber?

Jul 31, 2024 -
The article discusses the potential risk of AI models becoming less intelligent and even collapsing, a phenomenon researchers have termed "model collapse". This could occur as more AI content fills the web, with the input and output of a model converging and turning into nonsensical data. The issue could be exacerbated by companies using synthetic data generated by AI for training, which could lead to the model losing track of what it's supposed to represent.

The article also covers various tech news, including startups attracting funding for non-alcoholic beverages, Bing introducing generative AI into its results, and OpenAI launching a mini version of its latest AI model. Other topics include a UK school reprimanded for unlawful use of facial-recognition technology, a global tech outage affecting various sectors, and a study from the Federal Trade Commission on "dark patterns" in subscription apps.

Key takeaways:

  • AI models are at risk of "model collapse," where the content input and output of a model converge and turn into nonsensical data, according to a research paper published in Nature.
  • This phenomenon could pose a significant risk for companies using synthetic data generated by AI for training their models.
  • As more AI-generated content fills the web, the risk of model collapse increases, potentially leading to a loss of understanding of the original data.
  • Model collapse is likened to a snake eating its own tail, where a process that starts with diverse real-world data ends up producing identical, distorted outputs.
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