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Web Model | Deep Chat

Jan 16, 2024 -
The article provides a detailed guide on how to run a chat model entirely on a browser using the deep-chat-web-llm module. It explains how to set up the webModel property, which can be set to true or defined as an object with properties such as model, instruction, urls, load, introMessage, and worker. The article also provides examples of how to use these properties, including how to use a Web Worker to improve browser rendering performance.

The second part of the article provides troubleshooting tips for potential issues. These include updating the Chrome browser, running a command in the browser console, and using a specific syntax to import the deep-chat-web-llm module if using an SSR related framework. If issues persist, users are advised to check GitHub issues or create a new issue ticket.

Key takeaways:

  • The article provides a guide on how to run a chat model entirely on a browser without the need to connect to any service.
  • The chat model can be customized using various properties such as 'webModel', 'WebModelUrls', 'WebModelLoad', 'WebModelIntro', and 'Worker'.
  • It provides examples of how to use these properties and the types of values they accept.
  • The article also provides troubleshooting tips for potential errors that may occur when using the chat model.
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