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Week 23 of 2024- W232024

Jun 10, 2024 -
The blog post is a collection of thoughts, opinions, and shares from various topics, primarily focusing on artificial intelligence (AI). The author shares their views on the use of AI, discussing its potential risks and benefits, and highlights the ongoing debate among tech billionaires about AI's future. They also share links to articles about AI in software engineering, AI's role in elections, and concerns raised by insiders at OpenAI and Google DeepMind about the AI industry's risks.

In addition to AI, the author touches on other diverse topics such as art, literature, and current events. They share a quote from Gabrielle Zevin's "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow," discuss Rosa Bonheur's art, and recommend books and podcasts. The author also shares articles on various subjects, including cryptocurrency, the U.S. power grid, the insurance market, and the South Pole's water infrastructure.

Key takeaways:

  • The blog discusses various topics related to AI, including the billionaire battle for AI's future, the use of AI in software engineering at Google, and the potential risks associated with the AI industry.
  • It also touches on other diverse subjects such as the redemption of Rosa Bonheur, the aging U.S. power grid, and the opaque investment empire making OpenAI’s Sam Altman rich.
  • The author shares some of his favorite books and podcasts of 2024, as well as a reading list on AI and ML.
  • The blog includes a disclaimer stating that the views and opinions expressed are solely the author's and do not necessarily reflect those of his current or any previous employer.
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