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We're All Wrong About AI

Aug 13, 2023 -
The article discusses the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and its future applications. The author argues that AI has the potential to be creative, as creativity is a process of combining existing ideas in new ways, something that AI can do by combining multidimensional vectors. The author also suggests that AI could become a personal companion, learning about an individual and adapting to their preferences.

However, the author also highlights the limitations of AI, stating that it is currently at the "track your recipes" stage of imagination. The author also notes that while AI can generate novel content, it needs to become better at filtering out content that doesn't work to be truly creative. The author concludes by stating that it's hard to predict which uses of AI will be successful, and the best way to find out is to work with it.

Key takeaways:

  • The author argues that AI has the potential to be creative by combining existing ideas in new ways, similar to human creativity.
  • AI's creativity will be determined by its ability to filter out novel content that doesn't work, and there doesn't seem to be a barrier to AI's becoming excellent at such filtering.
  • Large language models are trained using data on the Internet, but unlike Google, they are not trying to analyze the data on the Internet.
  • AI has the potential to become a personal companion, remembering past interactions and aligning itself to individual preferences, but it's uncertain which uses of AI will take off and which will prove to be too trivial or elusive.
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