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What's Next for Mozilla - and for Open Source AI? - Slashdot

Jan 07, 2024 -
Mozilla is expanding its focus beyond Firefox, with investments in startups like Mammoth and Fakespot, and the launch of The new initiative aims to leverage open-source, trustworthy AI opportunities and build a business around them. is working on creating a wrapper for open-source large language models to fine-tune them, build data pipelines, and enhance their performance. While many projects are still in stealth mode, more developments are expected in the coming months.

Mozilla's president, Mark Surman, believes that the principles of transparency and freedom to modify and redistribute code will remain key in the open-source AI community. He anticipates that open-source groups will need to band together to create alternatives to the dominant AI market players, similar to the early era of open-source and the Linux movement. Surman is optimistic about Mozilla's role in this new era of AI and its potential to create a sustainable business model around it. He also hinted at the evolution of Firefox to be more protective and helpful to users, leveraging the predictive and synthesizing capabilities of AI tools.

Key takeaways:

  • Mozilla is expanding its focus beyond Firefox, investing in startups and launching, which aims to find open source, trustworthy AI opportunities and build a business around them.
  • is working on building a wrapper that can be put around any open source large language model to fine-tune it, build data pipelines for it, and make it highly performant.
  • Mozilla's president, Mark Surman, believes that the principles of transparency and freedom to study, modify, and redistribute code will remain key in the development of open source AI. He also suggests that open source groups will need to band together to create alternatives to the dominant AI market players.
  • Surman is optimistic about Mozilla's ability to use AI to further its mission and create a sustainable business model around it. He also hints at the evolution of Firefox to be more protective and helpful to users, leveraging the predictive and synthesizing capabilities of AI tools.
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