The author suggests that instead of fearing AI, developers should see it as a tool to enhance their productivity. AI can assist in writing code faster and catching simple mistakes, but it still requires human guidance for crucial decisions. The future of programming lies in developers who can effectively work with AI, similar to how calculators didn't replace mathematicians but became a tool to aid their work.
Key takeaways:
- AI coding tools and humanoid robots are impressive in controlled demos but struggle with real-world programming and tasks due to their inability to adapt to random problems and challenges.
- Software development involves more than just writing code, it requires understanding human needs, making robust systems, fixing bugs, working with other developers, dealing with old code, balancing different needs, and figuring out new technologies, which AI is not yet capable of.
- For AI to replace developers, it would need to think and adapt like a human, understand unclear instructions, and work well with other people, which is not yet possible.
- The future of programming is not about AI replacing developers, but about developers who know how to work with AI being more productive. AI will become another tool in the toolbox of developers, enhancing their work while still relying on human creativity, judgment, and problem-solving skills.