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Why aren't there more hearing aid startups?

Jan 16, 2024 -
The article discusses the significant social impact of affordable, high-quality hearing aids, emphasizing the need to combat the social isolation caused by hearing loss. It highlights the technical challenges involved in creating such devices, particularly the need for extensive digital signal processing in a low compute environment.

The author expresses disappointment at the lack of startups in the hearing aid industry, specifically mentioning the departure of Whisper.AI from the market. They call for more innovation in this field, questioning why there aren't more companies focusing on this issue.

Key takeaways:

  • The social impact of a better and more affordable hearing aid would be significant, particularly in reducing the social isolation caused by hearing loss.
  • There are interesting technical challenges to overcome in the development of hearing aids, such as packing as much digital signal processing onto a low compute environment.
  • The author expresses disappointment at the departure of promising startups like Whisper.AI from the market.
  • The author questions why there aren't more startups focusing on the development of hearing aids.
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