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Why Is Apple (AAPL) Teaming Up With OpenAI? Both Companies Need Each Other

Jun 05, 2024 -
In 2008, a young entrepreneur named Sam Altman praised Apple Inc. at their annual developer conference for their new App Store, which he used to promote his software, Loopt. He expressed his excitement about being part of what he believed to be a new era of mobile.

Fast forward 16 years, Apple is now seeking Altman's assistance. The dynamics have changed, and it appears that Apple now needs his help as much as he needs the tech giant.

Key takeaways:

  • Sam Altman, at the age of 23, spoke at Apple Inc.'s annual developer conference in 2008.
  • He expressed excitement about using the new App Store to promote his software, Loopt.
  • 16 years later, Apple is seeking Altman's assistance again.
  • This time, the relationship is more reciprocal, with both Apple and Altman needing each other's help.
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