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Why LLMs are not and probably will not lead to "AI" (an opion)

Jan 12, 2024 -
The article discusses the misrepresentation of Large Language Models (LLMs) as "AI", highlighting their limitations and the reasons for skepticism within the technical community. LLMs, while impressive in their capabilities, lack a true understanding of data, cannot reason logically, and struggle with novel situations outside their training data. Their "black box" nature makes it difficult to explain their predictions and ensure unbiased outputs, and they lack the broad, transferable intelligence that characterizes humans.

The author also criticizes the overestimation of LLMs' progress, arguing that they are more akin to supercharged search engines and spell checkers than AI. They excel at mimicking and recombining existing information, but this focus on prediction over understanding restricts their claim to the title of "AI". The rapid advancements in LLMs have led to overoptimistic claims about their capabilities, but comparing them to intelligence is misleading as the underlying mechanisms and levels of understanding differ significantly.

Key takeaways:

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) lack true understanding of data and cannot reason logically or adapt to new situations, limiting their claim to the title of 'AI.'
  • The 'black box' nature of LLMs makes it difficult to explain their predictions, debug errors, or ensure unbiased outputs.
  • LLMs lack 'general intelligence' and struggle with novel situations or tasks requiring different skills, further restricting their claim to 'AI.'
  • The rapid advancements in LLMs can lead to overoptimistic claims about their capabilities, and comparing them to intelligence is misleading as the underlying mechanisms and levels of understanding differ significantly.
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