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Will AI make us dumber?

Nov 17, 2023 -
The author discusses the impact of AI on jobs and learning processes, expressing concern about the loss of mundane and repetitive tasks that contribute to skill development and expertise. They argue that these tasks, which AI can now perform, are integral to learning and understanding a job or a field. The author also worries about the increasing levels of abstraction in AI, questioning what happens when tasks become as simple as pressing a button and how this could affect professions like surgeons or the understanding of processes like cooking.

The author encourages readers to continue learning and doing things manually, despite the convenience of AI. They stress the importance of hands-on experience in building skills and understanding processes. They also highlight the potential for AI to make entire jobs and industries obsolete, using the example of a language translation company. The author concludes by urging readers to keep learning and doing, to prevent skills from becoming rusty and to resist the abstraction brought about by AI.

Key takeaways:

  • The author expresses concern about the increasing automation and abstraction in various fields due to AI, and the potential loss of tacit and implicit knowledge that comes from hands-on experience and repeated processes.
  • While AI is efficient at rote, repeat processes, the author questions what happens when AI starts to encroach on the creative and nuanced aspects of a field that currently differentiate humans from algorithms.
  • The author encourages readers to continue engaging in hands-on activities and not to let the increasing abstraction of tasks through AI lead to a loss of skills or knowledge.
  • Despite the potential benefits of AI in terms of efficiency and error reduction, the author highlights the importance of considering what might be lost in the process, such as the understanding and appreciation of a process that comes from doing it manually.
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