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With the power of AI, you can be mediocre, too | TechCrunch

Nov 09, 2023 -
The author discusses the role of AI, particularly ChatGPT, in the writing industry, asserting that it won't replace human writers because it lacks the ability to surpass mediocrity. The author argues that AI, when trained on a vast dataset, produces an average result, which can be unpredictable and shallow. However, the author acknowledges that AI's strength lies in its ability to elevate those below average to an average level, which is a significant feature.

The author further illustrates this point by sharing their experience with Midjourney, an AI tool that helped them create a large library of graphics despite being a below-average illustrator. While acknowledging that a professional illustrator would have done a better job, the author points out that not everyone has access to such resources. The author concludes by expressing frustration at the quality of AI-generated writing, but accepts that AI is not yet designed for high-quality writing.

Key takeaways:

  • The author believes that AI, like ChatGPT, won't put writers out of business because humans can do things AI cannot.
  • AI models trained on large datasets tend to produce average results, as they reflect the average of the dataset.
  • AI is particularly useful for improving the skills of those who are below average, bringing them up to an average level.
  • While AI may not yet be able to match the quality of an above-average writer, it can be a valuable tool for tasks like creating graphics, even for those with little skill in that area.
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