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Women in AI: Rachel Coldicutt researches how technology impacts society | TechCrunch

May 11, 2024 -
TechCrunch has been conducting a series of interviews with women who have made significant contributions to the AI revolution. In this interview, Rachel Coldicutt, founder of Careful Industries, discusses her journey in the tech industry and her work in AI. Coldicutt's work primarily involves policy framing and social impact assessments, helping various organizations use AI in intentional and trustworthy ways. She also developed a free Consequence Scanning tool to anticipate the social, environmental, and political impacts of new products and features.

Coldicutt also discusses the challenges of navigating the male-dominated tech industry and offers advice to women seeking to enter the AI field. She emphasizes the importance of building a supportive network and challenging the status quo. She also highlights the pressing issues facing AI, including its climate impacts, surveillance impacts, and its potential use in warfare. Coldicutt advocates for responsible AI development that maximizes benefits for people and the planet and minimizes harm. She also urges investors to push for responsible AI by making more patient investments and backing diverse founders and teams.

Key takeaways:

  • Rachel Coldicutt, founder of Careful Industries, has been working in the tech industry since the mid-'90s and has contributed significantly to the AI field, particularly in policy framing and social impact assessments.
  • Despite advancements, Coldicutt notes that gender representation in tech has regressed in recent years, with less than 1% of AI sector investment going to startups led by women.
  • She advises women entering the AI field to seek out peers and build a support network, challenge the status quo, and learn from trailblazing women in AI research and practice.
  • Coldicutt highlights the need for responsible AI development, considering environmental impacts, surveillance concerns, and the potential for misuse in warfare. She advocates for a more democratic and accountable approach to AI.
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