Initially available only to X's paying subscribers, Grok's free version was tested in November and rolled out to all users earlier this month. The chatbot's image generator is noted for its "photorealistic rendering" and lacks major restrictions, allowing users to create images using public figures and copyrighted material. Ivan, a TechCrunch journalist based in India, covers global consumer tech developments and can be contacted at im\[at\]ivanmehta\[dot\]com.
Key takeaways:
- Elon Musk's AI company, xAI, is testing a standalone iOS app for its chatbot, Grok, which was previously available only to X users.
- The Grok app offers features like real-time data access, text rewriting, summarizing, Q&A, and image generation from text prompts.
- xAI is developing a dedicated website,, to make the chatbot accessible on the web, with a "coming soon" notice currently displayed.
- The chatbot's image generator model allows for photorealistic rendering without major restrictions, enabling the use of public figures and copyrighted material.