The company also found a lack of transparency over how personal information shared on these apps is protected, with nearly two-thirds not revealing whether the data they collect is encrypted. Mozilla also discovered widespread use of trackers among the chatbots, with an average of 2,663 trackers per minute of usage. The company advises users to avoid sharing sensitive information, use strong passwords, request data deletion, opt out of data use for AI training, and deny phone permissions that give the chatbot access to location, camera, microphone or device files.
Key takeaways:
- Romantic AI chatbots pose a significant privacy risk, with all 11 tested by Mozilla earning a privacy warning label.
- Most of these chatbots reserve the right to sell or share users' personal data, and many lack transparency over how this data is protected.
- Trackers are widespread among these chatbots, with an average of 2,663 trackers per minute of usage found in testing.
- Mozilla advises users to avoid sharing sensitive information with these chatbots, use strong passwords, and opt out of having their data used to train AI models.