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Your content is better than AI - Articulation Blog

Dec 27, 2024 -
The article discusses the pervasive influence of AI in 2024, particularly in the website industry, where many platforms are promoting AI-driven capabilities for instant website creation. However, it argues that while AI is powerful, it lacks the personal experience and understanding of a business owner's unique journey, community, and passion. The article emphasizes that AI-generated content is often generic and can harm a website's search engine ranking, as search engines penalize sites with similar AI-driven content, leading to potential loss of leads and sales.

The piece advocates for business owners to create their own content, asserting that they are the best advocates for their businesses. It highlights that personal, authentic content is more effective and valuable than AI-generated text. The article concludes by encouraging business owners to leverage their unique insights and experiences to craft compelling content that stands out, ensuring their business's success and distinctiveness in the market.

Key takeaways:

  • AI has significantly impacted various industries, including website building, with many platforms marketing AI capabilities for instant website creation.
  • Despite AI's advancements, it lacks the personal experience and understanding of a business owner's unique journey and community.
  • AI-generated content can negatively impact search engine rankings, as search engines penalize websites with generic, AI-driven content.
  • Business owners are encouraged to create their own content to better advocate for their business and stand out from competitors.
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