Zoom Can Spy on Your Calls and Use the Conversation to Train AI, But Says That It Won’t
Aug 15, 2023 - schneier.com
The article discusses concerns over Zoom's updated Terms of Service, which state that the company reserves the right to train AI on user data without providing an option to opt out. Despite Zoom executives assuring users that they will not train AI on video calls without permission, the article points out that these are Terms of Service that can change at any time, and the company can break its promise whenever it wishes.
The author criticizes this approach, arguing that it is not a sustainable way to manage a technological revolution. They believe that the protection of user rights should not be dependent on the goodwill of profit-driven corporations, as it is not their primary responsibility.
Key takeaways:
Zoom updated its Terms of Service to reserve the right to train AI on user data without providing an opt-out option.
Despite this, Zoom executives claim they will not train their AI on video calls without user permission.
The Terms of Service can change at any time and Zoom can break its promise without any rules preventing it.
The author argues that relying on for-profit corporations for the protection of rights is not a sustainable or reliable method.